Your Victory Is In The Valley

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Even when I walk through valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil, for You are with me.

Psalms 23:4

You’re probably familiar with Psalms 23:4. Bible scholars suggest that a more accurate translation for the valley of the shadow of death is simply darkest valley.

Darkest valley… that sounds scary.

Maybe, you’re going through a dark valley in your life right now. Perhaps you’re in a season of testing. You’re facing uncertainty, fear, doubt, discouragement, confusion, frustration, sickness or suffering. You feel like you’re in a deep, dark valley and there’s no way to get out.

You can read this scripture as words of comfort and strength in difficult times. That even in your darkest valley, God is with you.

But I suspect that David had something more in mind when he wrote them. I don’t think he intended them just to be words of comfort and strength. I believe it’s a battle cry.

David wrote Psalms 23 around the time that he fought Goliath. Do you know where David fought, defeated and beheaded Goliath?

It was in the Valley of Elah. The Israelite army and Philistine army faced each other, camped for battle on opposite sides of a steep valley.  And as Goliath came closer to attack David, David didn’t just walk to the battle line, he quickly ran to the valley to meet his enemy. 1)1 Samuel 17:22

David ran to the valley.

It’s in the valley that David experienced God’s victory over a bigger, stronger and better trained opponent.

And the same is for your life.

Your victory is in the valley.

Sometimes God leads you to the valley, to show to you that He is victorious over anything. It’s in the valley where you can experience God’s victory.

If you’re going through stuff right now, believe that God is about to show to you His victory.

Because how could you say God is my healer, if you’ve never been sick?

How could you say God is my provider if you’ve never been broke?

How could you say God is my comforter if you’ve never been hurt?

How could you say God is my shelter if you’ve never been afraid?

Every situation you face will be used for God to show His glory in your life. Every challenge you face, is just a set up for praise.

It’s gonna get worst before it gets better. But the beautiful thing is God’s promise is He is there with you every step of the way. You have nothing to fear because our Father in heaven is with you and He loves you.

Your Victory Is In Your Valley

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You can learn more about how David went from shepherd boy to king in this free guide:

Destiny Guide

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References   [ + ]

1. 1 Samuel 17:22
A humble child relentlessly pursuing Abba Father’s heart and sharing the love of Jesus. Writer, preacher, teacher and leader of young disciples.

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