About Ramli Solidum


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Hey there. Let me introduce myself to you. I’m Ramli. That’s pronounced RAM-LEE and rhymes with “valley” and “rally.”
If I could sum myself up in one sentence, I’m a humble child relentlessly pursuing Abba Father’s heart and sharing the love of Jesus. How I do that is by writing, blogging, preaching, teaching and leading young disciples.
I’m on a mission to empower young people to be confident, capable and completely in pursuit of God’s destiny for their lives. I believe God’s strategy is to use those sitting at the “kiddie table” to transform those at the big one. I believe that children, teenagers and young adults are the ones that will lead the revival in our nations.


I live in Toronto, Canada. It’s there where I got a math degree from University of Waterloo and an MBA from Ivey School of Business. It’s also there where my dad, Ramon Solidum, leads Word for the World International Ministries as the senior pastor.
Join my community by following me on social media, where I share articles, verses and quotes that will bless you and help you with your walk in Christ.

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Jesus is my saviour.

Jesus Christ is the Son of God, who is Triune: the Abba Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. He paid the penalty for my sin, and that by His blood I am redeemed from my sinful nature and have inherited eternal life with Him after death.

I'm saved by grace alone.

It’s only through the irresistible grace of Abba Father through faith in Jesus Christ that I can stand justified and redeemed. It was not through my own works. It’s not something I deserve.

The Holy Spirit ministers to me.

The Holy Spirit is on earth and active in every believer. I believe in the present ministry of the Holy Spirit. While I believe in the proper and orderly use of tongues in the church, it’s a spiritual gift some will exercise and others will not.

It's all about relationship.

I believe it is necessary for a Christian to read the Word of God (which is the Holy Bible) in order to maintain a relationship with Abba Father. Prayer draws us to our living God who loves us and wants to have a relationship with us.

Miracles still happen today.

I believe that we can experience signs, miracles and wonders in the presence of God. Nothing is impossible with Abba Father. God can also speak to us in visions, dreams and prophesies. I believe the fivefold ministry still is in effect.

I am called to make disciples.

I believe that as followers of Jesus, we’re called to “go and make disciples of all nations.” That means we need to win, consolidate, disciple and send the next generation of leaders.

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